Think And Grow Rich, By Napoleon Hill, book describes thirteen steps to riches to achieve for any man or woman’s benefit who is searching for a definite goal in life. Napoleon Hill wrote this book in 1937 after interviewing many of America’s rich businessmen over a long period of time. He was inspired by Andrew Carnegie, a steel conglomerate to conduct the research and write this book. The content of this book cannot be digested in a week or or a month. Instead it’s recommended that reader should read this book again and again.
Think And Grow Rich is one of the books on my reread list. Actually I read this book in 2009. And applied the principles and made more than the amount I’ve written in the book to make at that time. So feeling very proud of myself. And going to write and test another new amount of money to make now!
Thirteen Steps Towards Riches In Think And Grow Rich
Here are the thirteen steps listed in the book to achieve success in your endeavors of creating riches;
“It is a textebook on individual achievement that came directly from the experiences of hundreds of America’s most successful men. it should be studied and digested and meditated upon. No more than a single chapter should be read in a single night. “ Dr Miller R Hutchinson (long time associate of Thomas edison)
Even though all these thirteen steps are very important for one to follow towards the path to create money. But more prominent are, a burning desire, auto suggestion and forming a mastermind for the common goal.
A Burning Desire
Your goal for riches can be attained through the above thirteen steps but it starts with a first step- a desire. And a desire should be converted to a burning desire towards getting rich. A Burning desire is necessary to achieve anything, instead of just wishing and hoping for your objective. In your mind it should be clear what are you going to give in return for the riches you want in your life. Besides, there is no such thing as getting something for nothing.
Persistence & AutoSuggestion
One should maintain this burning desire to getting rich even in the face of all the setbacks and failures that are going to show up from time to time. But persistence is the key to be on the right path to achieving all the success. Writing and repeating your goal many times a day is the exact method of auto suggestion to your subconscious mind. Otherwise your subconscious mind may not help you to focus on the goal to getting rich.
Mastering the Art of Happiness
The book stresses that one should master their feelings. And stay in the positive zone or stay happy instead of in the zone of negative feelings such as anger, fear, hatred, un-forgiveness or jealousy etc.
So the book is very special, I read the book in 2009 and obviously it was in my subconscious and totally forgot about it. But Now I can see I was applying the principles of the book. Actually my first Facebook’s page name was ‘Allow happiness’. Because I was trying to stay in the positive zone.
And Looking back I can see that at that time I read a couple of more books related to this subject such as The Art of Happiness by Dalai Lama and The Seat of The Soul by Gay Zukav. These books too, extensively teach you to master your feelings and stay in the happiness zone so that you can talk to the ether that you’re made of. When you’ve mastered your feelings the ether talks to you in the form of hunches, insights and feelings or sometime clairaudience.
And for me everything needs to be backed up by science. As I’m a person who studied science and chemistry was my favorite subject. And my chemistry teacher was so appreciative of me (don’t take a hint that I’m boasting but this is the real truth :D).
Money is shy
As the author suggests poverty is bold and relentless as compared to wealth who is shy and needs to be pursued whole heartedly just like a lover.
“Riches are shy and timid. They have to be attracted.”
What can be annoying
Some parts of this book , in my book review of Think And Grow Rich, can be annoying if you haven’t started believing in the ether we are all made of. This is my opinion but your perspective can be different. The tone of the book becomes religious where the author talks about the Prophet Mohammad, even though this book is quite enlightening and informative. And that takes us back to the 7th century, as what was happening in the world at that time period. And that’s quite a valuable information to know in the 21st century. Obviously I skimmed through this part in my first reading 11 years ago. But now in my second reading I was very interested to read this info.
Is Think And Grow Rich outdated?
Think and Grow Rich was written by Napoleon Hill in 1937 but the philosophy and techniques are timeless. Even though book sometimes has irrelevant paragraphs and examples. And it only talks about men creating all the riches, not women. Actually it shows because of good women behind their husbands who attained and obtained all the wealth.
In addition, it also, provides you with a perfect system of self analysis that will readily disclose what has been standing between you and ‘the big money’ in the past.
Is Think And Grow Rich a financial book?
‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill, cannot be labelled as a financial book as it doesn’t disclose any technique or exact method to apply to obtain all the wealth one desires in their life. But the author suggest to go through every chapter carefully so that you can find your breakthrough in some sentence of this book. When Think And Grow Rich was published it was promoted as a personal development and self-improvement book.
But I can give you an example of a good personal finance book, that has helped me a lot, Suze Orman’s Women And Money.
Does Think And Grow Rich really work?
In my review on think and grow rich, personally this book has worked for me. Even though I’ve read this book in 2009 and set my goals and totally forgot about this book. But after reading second time in the last couple of weeks I can see my old notes. And proud to say I did accomplish my goals.
And I started reading this book again two weeks ago. It took me long time. Because after finishing few chapters my daughter and son in law decided to get engaged, so they were visiting us from Chicago. And my future son-in-law proposed to my daughter in Central Park in Manhattan. So that can be another form of riches.
And while reading the last chapter of Think And grow Rich, I received my $2800 ‘Economic Impact Payment’ Check. Belief or faith is one of the major factors for success, as the author states in the book. Having an adamant belief of seeing your goal completed is the way to go to achieve success.
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Henry Ford
On the whole, in my review of think and grow rich, I highly recommend this book for anyone who has a goal to accomplish and their mindset need to be solid positive so that he or she can be more money conscious. It’s a must read if you want to get inspired, and motivated to take action towards creating all riches you want in your life. Despite all the setbacks and failures, that are parts of the journey, anyone can be successful, regardless of gender, race or sex. As the book has lot of stories and facts to inspire so read and reread again and again. I’ve read it two times and I’m rereading again.
Get your copy of Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill at Amazon Now!
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PS. Do read my book review You are a BADASS at Making Money By Jen Sincero here.
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