A unique MLM Lead generation strategy that is tied to your happiness too.

A unique MLM Lead generation strategy that is tied to your happiness too.

Today I’m talking about a unique MLM lead generation strategy that is tied to you happiness too.

Lets’s start to take a look at this easy breezy recipe to generate mlm leads either online or offline.

Everybody has some hobbies, passions and likings. Some people like reading, some like bird watching, some people like watching tv.  And some people like staying outdoors, some people like and have pets as cats, dogs, birds etc.

Breaking the ice between you and your prospect is very important. So how do you start the conversation. By looking at their time line you can find few things about them. And see what is common between you and your prospect.

A unique MLM Lead generation strategy that is tied to your

If you like cats too, then compliment them for their furry pet on their wall. Or you may have any other hobby in common talk about that,  so that can be a starting point of the conversation.

Some people send you friend requests and then without even taking the time to say hi or hello, start pitching their product or opportunity right away. And forget about saying thanks for the accept. What do you think is going to happen.. not a friend but just a photo sitting in your list.

A unique MLM Lead generation strategy that is tied to your happiness too.

I don’t understand why someone would adopt that unsuccessful approach to mlm lead generation, may be desperation or not in the right mindset.

Anyway this approach is not going to work in the long run where building the rapport is bypassed.  Building rapport with your prospect is not only going to let you know about their current struggles, where you can offer your product or opportunity as a genuine help, later they will thank you for but also helps spread a positive word about you and your business or product.

If you like more tips and tricks on how to generate leads on Facebook then check this free Fb cheat sheet HERE!

A unique MLM Lead generation strategy that is tied to your happiness too.

PS. Feel free to comment and share the post if you got any value from my video above.

Saravjeet Sandhu

PPS: For complete blogging tips and info, get my step-by-step guide ‘Starting A Successful Blog: Share Your Passion And Turn It Into A Business’ Here! 

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